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Australias New Cap On International Students

Australia's New Cap on International Students


Australia has announced a cap on the number of international students it accepts, with the goal of reducing overall immigration.

The cap will be set at 270,000 students per year, down from the current 300,000.

Reasons for the Cap

The Australian government has cited several reasons for the cap, including:

  • Concerns about overcrowding in schools and universities
  • Increased competition for jobs
  • Strains on housing and infrastructure

Impact of the Cap

The cap is expected to have a significant impact on the Australian education sector, which relies heavily on international students for revenue.

It is also likely to affect the number of skilled migrants coming to Australia, as many international students stay on to work after graduation.

Reaction to the Cap

The cap has been met with mixed reactions, with some stakeholders expressing concern about its potential impact on the economy and education system.

However, the government has argued that the cap is necessary to address the challenges posed by high levels of immigration.


The Australian government's decision to cap the number of international students it accepts is a significant development that will have wide-ranging implications for the education sector and the broader economy.

It is important to note that the cap is part of a broader package of measures aimed at reducing immigration, and that it should be considered in that context.
