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A Question Of Idiom

Raise up or raise up?

A question of idiom

The correct phrase is 'raise up'

When used as an idiom, 'raise up' means to make or cause something to become better or more important.

For example, you might say that a teacher 'raised up' a student by helping them to achieve their full potential.

'Raise up' is also correct in other contexts

In addition to its idiomatic usage, 'raise up' can also be used in a more literal sense, to mean to lift something up or to cause it to rise.

For example, you might say that a farmer 'raised up' a barn by building it on a hill.


So, which is correct, 'raise up' or 'raise up'? The answer is that both phrases are correct, depending on the context in which they are used. If you are using 'raise up' as an idiom, then the correct spelling is 'raise up'. If you are using 'raise up' in a more literal sense, then either spelling is correct.
